
Some of MaffeisNetwork SA’s previous works are showcased in this section. Here you will find interviews and a “best of” selection of the most important activities in our recent history. In particular, MaffeisNetwork SA has managed, produced and directed a radio column on Radio Fiume Ticino, entitled “Un cuore per la salute” (“A heart for health”), with interviews with prominent experts from the field of health, culture and humanity. Enjoy the show!

View through a white open window to a big marguerite on blue sky

How to contact us

MaffeisNetwork SA
Via Cortivallo 3a
6900 Lugano


Tel. +41 91 922 95 18
Fax +41 91 922 95 19



MaffeisNetwork SA, marketing and communication, is proud to offer you the following interviews:


 Live the peace to make her spread over

 Peace is possible

 Women’s Peace 

 L’Orologio Lugano

 Other interviews

RSI Rete 1 – Radio Station

Peace of Heart (Millevoci radio show)

My Job is to communicate (Passo a Prenderti radio show)